Choosing A New Lifestyle As A Doctor - Is It Time For A Tree-Change?

Doctor Career Change

Does it seem to you that there is never a convenient time to:

✔️Change jobs.

✔️Relocate internationally or interstate.

✔️Have a baby.

✔️Get a dog.

✔️Write that book.

✔️Read that book.

✔️Clean out the garage.

✔️Get fit.

✔️Learn a new language.

Life for everyone is busy! We are immersed in a hundred little things each week that clamour for our attention and drain our energy. Even when we know the big things we ought to be doing, that will have the most positive impact on our lives; we still let the little items crowd them out.

I experience this too. My ‘to-do’ list is overflowing with loud tasks, while my big projects that bring joy and will have the most positive impact for Prescript languish on the drawing board!

What has any of this to do with a career sea/tree change? I was reminded in a recent business course of the stone, pebble, sand and water story. If you’ve not heard of this, watch this animated video below:

If you spend all your time & energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are truly important.

In a nutshell, the rock and pebbles represent the priorities in your life. Fill the jar with these first. Sand and water represent the hundreds of little things in your week. If you fill your jar with these first, there would be no room for the rocks and pebbles.

Changing jobs as a doctor is a big rock/pebble. Relocating to a coastal or regional community is another big rock/pebble. You have to identify the position you want with a hospital, department or practice; apply and be interviewed; be offered and negotiate a package; support your family with the move – this could be a new role for your partner, schools for your children; plus find somewhere to live and organise the packing up of your old home – phew!

I have been asked if now is a good time for doctors to think about a sea or tree change? Has the pandemic and border closures stopped permanent recruitment for regional Australia? The answer is that for some doctors, it has given them time to re-examine their priorities (the big rocks!). If you have always wanted to live and work on the Sunshine Coast or build a home in Tassie or buy a small farm in country Victoria, now is the time to make it happen.

Personally, I talked about relocating to Adelaide, from Sydney, for years. It was my big rock, yet I found a million little obstacles (sand/water) to make it not happen. In the early days of Prescript, a reason would be that the business was too small/quiet, then it was that the business was too big/busy. Always next year…. Until I made it my priority. All the little things still got done, but my big rock was not sacrificed. And it’s not just me – all the Prescript team have relocated (for example- Bec to the coast, Marcia to a farm, Nadine to Victoria, Nicola from New Zealand to NSW) – it means we know what’s involved and we care.

If you are a doctor and you want to move your career, talk to the Prescript team as the first step. There may never be a convenient time to make a sea or tree change, but we will do a lot of the hard work for you. Your big rock will become our big rock too!

About James Hill

James Hill is a medical recruitment specialist. He is passionate about helping regional hospitals and practices across Australia find doctors for their permanent and locum positions.

As the founder of Prescript Recruitment, he has the practical experience of delivering an exceptional recruitment service for doctors with the result that communities everywhere have the healthcare they deserve.

James’ fourteen years of working with regional healthcare providers has given him a first-hand insight into the issues they face to attract doctors. His successful track record of filling locum and permanent positions in every State and Territory means he knows what strategies work and what don’t.

James is also a writer of blogs for LinkedIn and the Prescript Recruitment website where he draws on his experience to share his opinions on current staffing issues.

There are three ways to contact James:

  1. Call James on 0410 792 310

  2. Email 

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript’

I believe for you to partner with the right medical recruitment agency, that reflects your wishes and lifestyle choices, is so important. Prescript’s focus is on what matters most to you, whatever stage of your career, your location or your future plans.

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'


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We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.